Saturday, October 21, 2006

Russian Demolition

Monday 16th October

We got up early …….well just before 8.00am, and were surprised to see Francico , who was worried Juan was not there. We tried to explain that Juan would probably not be coming, but he was sure he would, and proceeded to make up some cement for grouting the roof tiles. Ricardo arrived about 8.30….. and went up to see Francico. After an animated conversation, Francico stayed on the roof working and putting right some sub standard work, whilst Ricardo shot off with raised eyebrows……..obviously a planning glitch regarding labour allocation.

He returned with a Russian chap called Sergio, and quickly started to explain the work programme, digging out the patio and kitchen tiles for a new drain to the patio. He explained the rest of the plans for the house……at least I think he did……Sergio nodded and uttered a few words of Spanish, so we hoped he understood , as Ricardo disappeared again.

Meanwhile we packed our stuff in the car for our stay en el campo. Sergio started drilling in earnest, but just as were leaving, we heard him ask Francico what to do next ……..a bit worrying, but we left them to it.

Lunch was interrupted by Ricardo arriving back on his quad bike , bringing news ……of a small problemo. There was a large void under the kitchen, which was below the new patio wall which was also supporting the roof …….so there was a need to fill in with steel reinforced concrete to hold the weight of the new upstairs bathroom.

We had no option to agree with the additional work, although unclear of the cost at this stage ….Ricardo said reinforced concrete was 200 euro per cubic metre, but he wouldn’t charge us that… have to wait and see.

We visited the house late afternoon, and Sergio still there loading rubble into a new cuba (skip). The kitchen hole didn’t seem too big…… we probably couldn’t see most of it. Kitchen and bathroom gutted back to old stone walls, and wall on first floor adjacent to ruin knocked down. The roof terrace was now completed with final grouting.

We chatted about the days problem, and how the void was probably an old kitchen similar to the ruin next door …..the issue was whether it extended under the bathroom, and the need to underpin the new patio wall which was built over part of the newly discovered void.

Tuesday 17th October

Awoke about 8.30 am to an overcast day, with a strong breeze, and storm clouds gathering over the mountains, but with shafts of sunlight hitting some bits of the mountains.

We visited the house about noon , and Sergio was still working hard clearing rubble from the kitchen. We were greeted by Jeffri , the little dog who lives opposite, who has become very friendly since we arrived. He is very street wise, and every time a car or motorbike come up the road, he dashes for his house and sits out the way. Once the danger has gone, he resumes his activities. Jeffri followed us back down the road, and had to shoo him away to go back home.

Went to Bank to withdraw cash for the next phase of work, which at the moment seems to be demolition, removing rubble , and the hire of additional cubas (skips).

On the way back, we were stopped by the police (wildly waving and blowing whistles) to show them C’s driving license and car insurance…… fortunately ‘no problemo’!!

In the afternoon, drove to Malaga to look and price up various house items in Hipercor and Carrefour, another huge Hypermarket.

Finding the Hypermarkets is not easy, as they are poorly signed, and on either side of a busy motorway, and one has to navigate along various service roads and cloverleaf junctions to find them. Occasionally, there is a tantalising small sign on a lamp-post, and you think you are on the right track, but they soon peter out, and you are left to find your own way.

Returned to house late afternoon to take pictures ………note the hole under the kitchen which is new today !! Pondered awhile why we were here , paying out rent to stay in the builders house, who wasn’t building our house , but was continuing to demolish it.

Ricardo assured us in the evening that there would only be one more day of demolition ……..the small ground-floor room wall, then he would start the plumbing works which he would do himself. We queried the size of the huge water-tank, but he had already re-ordered another one ……J suggested a round one which he concurred.

Big thunderstorm in the night but little rain, but the storm didn’t last long


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