Sunday, December 10, 2006

Last working day

Friday 1 December

Weather overcast this morning and no sunrise. After breakfast, drove down camino to the house, and Ricardo was there delivering bricks. J had a list of issues, and we went up on first floor terrace to discuss. She explained that we had tried to discuss the wall issue with our next door neighbour, but she had’nt understood.

He just shouted down into her patio, and she appeared in her dressing gown, and Ricardo explained the situation. She was not keen on a wall built on her wall, as she might wish to build up in the future. However, she was not against a wall built up on our side, or railings.

Agreed to do nothing, as Ricardo is still of the opinion that there is no need to build a wall, and he was not prepared to go looking for the other neighbour…….that it was up to him to speak to him about the problem. He confirmed the bathroom was “illegal”, but that now it was complete, that we could’nt be told to pull it down.

Ricardo wanted to know what sort of door she wanted onto the patio…….thought it had been ordered ages ago, but apparently not. Also queried the tile bill, as it should’nt have been as much as 1034 €……..nearer 700 € according to our worst case calculations, not knowing all the prices.

Ricardo phoned them up and they would prepare a fecha (bill). Also discussed the ceiling and plaster board, and spot lights ……Tommy had apparently not heard of the Spanish placa carton-yeso (plasterboard), but Ricardo understood, and of course we could have a ceiling and 3 spotlights inserted in it. We showed him the rustic tile we had bought in Marbella day before, and also the garden edge brick. Should be ok……not sure if can get rustic tiles here.

Drove over to get a copy of the tile bill, and it was indeed much lower than Ricardo had been told at 632 €, so a refund of 400 € due.

Walked up to town to have a coffee and bocadillo mixto, and draw out the new bathroom lighting on the plans, and then photocopied all the plans to be left for reference for them whilst we are away. Apparently, they will be having a 2 week Christmas break, so not expecting a huge amount of progress, but hoping for a working upstairs bathroom on our return on 10th January.


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