Saturday, February 24, 2007

Carnival in Fuengirola

Sunday 18th February

We got up early to a beautiful sunny day, although with a cold, biting wind blowing.

We drove to Fueringerola to the internet café, J went off to watch a carnival, whilst I tried to upload my Mike Sanchez video to Youtube…..took about 30 minutes and got up to 92% completion before freezing, so that was a bit of a nuisance. Posted the blog and pics, and J returned, and she did a few e mails and checked the weather……not so good, with showers and cloud for rest of week when L is here…..however, she searched a number of other weather websites , looking for the best weather !! Bought an English paper, which turned out to have the best weather forecast, so she settled for that !!

We spent the afternoon in Fuengirola promenading along the front, before going to the aeropuerto (airport) via the Benalmadena Park, which was crowded with families enjoying the afternoon sun, and on to Torremolinos for a walk and dinner, as L’s plane was delayed an hour or so.

We then drove to the aeropuerto at Malaga which is undergoing major reconstruction, getting there about 8.30 pm …….nightmare to park. The plane got in at 9.07 having picked up time, and L got out first , spotting her “L H” sign. We then drove home for an inspection of the house…..quite impressed, particularly hall lights and porch. We then went up to the town, but most bars were closed or closing, so went home for toast, cheese, tuna and olives …..and red wine of course, whilst L and J caught up with news.


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