Saturday, March 10, 2007

Home via the old Granada/Malaga Road

Sunday 4th March

We got up early as P was catching a morning flight from Malaga back to London, and had breakfast of eggs, goats cheese and Iberian ham the C prepared for us. After researching the route home from their useful guide books and maps, we left about 10 am to find the mountain roads, picking up the old route from Granada to Malaga from their guide book “25 back roads of Southern Spain”….a must for serious explorers.

We stopped off at Rio Frio which is renowned for its trout farms and fish restaurants. We had to pay a man with a cap and a whistle 1 € for the car park, although I’m sure it should have been free, although several car park attendants are required to manage the huge numbers of cars and coaches that flock to the restaurants on a Sunday.

We drove over the mountains via Alfarnate, Colmenar and along the mountain ridge of the Parque natural de los Montes, with fantastic views all the way to Malaga, getting home about 3 pm. We had been a bit apprehensive about the tiling when we left, but it was all complete with brown grouting, except for a bit at the bottom which Tommy had concreted rather than fitting slivers of tiles….another little job for him when he turns up next week.


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