Saturday, March 31, 2007

Plumber & Builder at Work

Wednesday 28th March

The third day of cool, overcast, showery weather. Brenda from the second shop arrived about 10 am for a long overdue visit to see the house, and stayed until 1.00 pm. We had planned to stay with her at her B&B about 2½ hours north of here, but decided against it as I want to visit Cordoba on the way home, and she is 1½ hours south of there.

I finally finished the kitchen sink waste pipes…..anyone need a 60 year old apprentice plumber……..before lunch of bacalao at Bar El Timon. After lunch, J painted the other half of the stairs and I started concreting the shower base.

Finished about 5 pm to go shopping…….get kitchen aluminium end strip and sink screws cut at the Metalico place….(Antonio in Sevelle, but they did the cutting free of charge), light fitting and chain for front bedroom and 20 bricks from Barronuevo…..1.77 € inc tax….this gives an idea of the cost of building materials in Spain, and the huge profits being made in the building industry.

At J’s suggestion, laid bricks around the shower walls in the still wet cement before eating out….Italian for a change.


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