Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Last day

Friday 19th October

As forecast, moderately heavy rain overnight ….about 12mm I subsequently measured in a saucepan ……got up at 2am to check drain but it was fine. Got up early to a sun & cloudy day, and cleaned throughout house, washed bedding and towels etc.

Had a menu del dia for lunch after chatting to J by e mail, as MSN down.

J has designed an ingenious system for determining if the house floods over the winter, as the water soaks away and dries up leaving no evidence. A series of wine corks (no shortage of these) are to be placed at strategic places on the ground floor, enabling the severity of any flooding that may occur to be determined. If they are all at the front door next time we come back in early February, we will know it flooded badly. If some remain in position, this will tell us it wasn’t too bad.

If flooding does occur, rain will be regulated on the roof as per previous plans.

Took a video of the house and caught the 6pm bus to Malaga and on too the airport. Traffic appalling, particularly from the bus station to the airport via the metro roadworks…took over 2 hours. Uneventful flight and met by J at 1am.


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