Monday, June 07, 2010

saturday Evening/ Sunday Morning !!

We headed back into town about 9.30 pm to get a good vantage point to witness the Virgen coming out of the Ermita. This was far too early really, as our neighbours did not plan to get in until about midnight. We got a good spot, and took it in turns to walk round and enter the Ermita before the big event. We met up with them soon after midnight and watched all the 90 or so Hermanadads parade into the Ermita, each with coloured flares, creating a lot of smoke and adding to the atmosphere. They had kindly brought along a blanket/poncho for Jackie, as it was getting quite cook. The crowds continued to swell as the time for the Virgen to emerge approached, with no-one knowing what time that would be, as this was dependent on the Almonte Hermanadad returning to the Ermita.

At about 3 am, the Virgen emerged from the Ermita in a swirling crush of young men, their sweat turning to steam in the cool night air. The Virgen swayed and dipped in the massive crowd as she zigzagged her way round the square outside the Ermita. We watched from a safe vantage point, but when the crush was over, we mingled with the crowds. After an hour or so, Filipe lead us to some of the big tents away from the crowds, where people were dancing and singing, and then on to a tent, where quite a few gay men (“men who like men “ as Roguilo explained to us) were dancing flamenco. We walked back through the crowds, getting back to camp about 5 am, although the men carrying the Virgen round to each Hermanadad still had another 12 hours to go. All in all, a truly memorable experience !!


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