Saturday, September 09, 2006

Busy month

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Its been nearly a month since I created my Blog and posted my first post. My cousin L was over from America with her 2 kids, and they stayed with Mother for a few days in Southampton, and I took them to Heathrow on the 17th, just as the restrictions were slightly lifting. They went with a plastic bag with their passports and keys,but were able to take the laptop in the end.

My sister J had Mother to stay in Cork for the last week in August, and I took her to the airport in Southampton on 23rd and collected her a week later on the 30th. After sorting out her shopping and pills, returned to Bristol, ready to fly to Malaga next day.

Part of the business of the month was selling my house in Plymouth , which completed on the 23rd. We cleared the house the previous weekend, borrowing a van fom J's work and spending the weekend taking rubbish to the tip (a van load) , and loading it with the house contents, and leaving a lot of stuff for the new owners.

We then drove up to Bristol on the Sunday morning, unloaded van, returned van to work, and then went up to Gloucester to catch Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band and the "Gloucester Docks Festival" - he was great and obviously making a comeback. He had a couple of hits in the 60's and I've seen him several times in the intervening years. - Kings Lynn, Exeter, and I think I saw him in the late 60s at Reading University - anyone else seen him ?

We met with the spanish builders a couple of times - they are going to renovate J's house over there at the start of October, and we will be there for 2-3 months to project manage the work - more of this once I try and get to start daily posting.

Returned to Bristol Sep 6th and straight down to Plymouth for a hospital consultant appointment to review my blood pressure (I think he's crcked it after 5 years), see my son L, my ex wife J and her daughter S, and also a dental appointment with Mr B - best dentist in Plymouth .

Thats it for today - a catchup and indicative of why I havent posted as I had intended. We're off to Spain on Sunday week, and I will try and post daily in the run up to our big trip.




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