Sunday, December 24, 2006


Monday 4th December

Awoke early and watched “That’s English” …..a programme teaching English to the Spanish which was amusing and an interesting learning resource. Popped down for breakfast of delicious bocadillos mixto, Left about 8.30 and walked to the nearby bus station, and got chatting to a chap from Brighton who had come over for a long weekend visiting his neice in Ronda.

Bus came on time at 8.55 and a very reasonable fare of 1 €. Checked in quite quickly …..both our bags 20.5 kilos right on the limit. Sat for awhile watching the planes take off and land, and then off to gate where we boarded early despite having a D priority…..plane took awhile to fill up.

Good flight passing over towns we could identify including Almogia north of Malaga and Antequerra, but then cloud until north Spanish coast . Good landing to weather of rain and wind. First shock was the £5 each single fares to the City Centre (about 8 times more than Malaga. Next was the traffic….a continuous jam into town. Got off bus and found a nice café bar and had a big fried breakfast (£12.50). Caught bus home…..another £2.50 each, making it an expensive return home.


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