Saturday, January 27, 2007

Unexpected Bonus

Friday 26th January

There was another frost last night, which is exceptional in this part of Spain. We had planned to do more jobs from our list today, as they were going to Almeria to pick up the new boat. However, Tommy arrived about 8.45 am, as their plans had changed owing to poor weather conditions at sea……Ricardo had planned to drive the boat from Almeria to Fuengirola with his family…..a trip of nearly 300 kilometers by sea, which had never been very sensible with the cold weather. They were now going to pick up a trailer and bring it back by road.

Tommy wasn’t too bothered about the flood and said it was easily rectified by cutting a groove in the door lintel, which he did, and made the lantern waterproof. He spent the morning doing jobs from the snag list, including building a new step from the hall to the upstairs bathroom.

We spent the afternoon working, J scraping and painting the porch terrace walls white, and I carried on with applying the agua fuerta.

All in all, an eventful week. J had phoned Ricardo before we arrived, and he was confident there was only a weeks work inside, and a couple of weeks outside…..this seemed to be the case as we walked up to the house Monday morning, when we saw him working outside the house, but the snag list tells a different tale ……….well its Spain……manyana !!


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