Thursday, April 19, 2007

Final Blog pics ........end of Blog

Hi all readers

This is the last post of this Blog, now that the house is completed and ready to rent for holiday lets.

I've enjoyed writing and editing it and I hope you have all enjoyed reading it , or just dipping in to check out the latest pics on progress. Its been an interesting 6 month journey, with plenty of laughs and some very scary and stressful moments, which has brought J and I closer and strengthened our relationship. But it has been worth it, and we have created a lovely holiday home.

We worked hard, particularly on our return from the UK after our Christmas break, but we also took time out to explore and discover the real Andalucia away from the Costa del Sol, and we have compiled a list of 25 local day trips.

A web site is under development (, and I may start another domestic blog now that J and I are back home in Bristol. Click on No-Lemon-No-Melon if interested.


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