Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Homeward bound - Santander/Plymouth

Thursday 12th April

I got up early and was looking out the window over the square when a stork flew over at low level with nesting material in its beak…..I assume they nest on chimneys here as they do in Holland.

Weather forecast poor again with rain, but after clearing the mist in Burgos, we climbed up into the mountains where it was clear and sunny. Negotiated 3 passes, all about 1000 m above sea level, on the 150km drive to Santander. Halfway near a lake, we encountered a flock of about 30 vultures, we think, in a field near the road. Stopped to take pics…..never seen anything like it…we think they may have feeding on a large animal such as a sheep.

Shopped briefly in Santander Hipercor before boarding the ferry about 2 pm, sailing at 3 pm. The 20 hour crossing was uneventful, with the sea like a millpond all way. We saw dolphins frolicking in the ships wake and also a minky whale.

Friday 13th April

Delays of an hour disembarking the ferry in Plymouth, and on to Bristol late afternoon after family visits.


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