Sunday, April 08, 2007

Thunder & Lightning !!

Good Friday 6th April

J spent the morning and part of afternoon grouting the shower, and rubbing her fingers to the bone…..almost literally !!. I mopped the roof terrace, porch and patio (inc Arabic tiles) with a 33% solution of agua fuerta . I took a robust approach to the sink drainage system and glued every joint with Roberto’s plumbing glue, and refitted the system. I also espuma’d the roof terrace drainage holes to prevent water entering the wall via holey bricks.

After lunch, there was a big thunderstorm, and I had to pierce holes in the espuma (polyurythane foam) to prevent the roof terrace becoming a swimming pool. Tested the sink drain later, and it seemed ok when the water was running, but …………a small leak appeared later that evening !!

From 7 pm onwards, loads of people streamed past the house on way to Blue Church confirming that the big parade was probably at 8 pm. We walked up the road, and sure enough, there were huge crowds lining the route for the Virgin float and marching bands. As 8 pm approached, the sky darkened, and it started to rain, and about 8.20 pm,the crowd started dispersing……it was clear it had been postponed or cancelled altogether…..the 50th Anniversary Santa Semana Parade !!

We asked a Policeman , who confirmed it was “feenished”, but would be on tomorrow at same time. Disappointedly made our way home….rained all evening !!


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