Saturday, October 28, 2006

End Week 4

Thursday 26th October

Popped over to the house first thing to tell Tommy about the location of the Lavadero (washing machine), as we’d noticed there was no waste pipe for it with the current drain layout.

We wandered round the local market for 20 minutes and bought C a pair of trainers for 8 €. Then went for a walk through the town and found another tile shop …..browsed there awhile and took a few pics of border tiles.

In the afternoon, went to Malaga and found Aki a huge DIY store selling very cheap lights , and browsed the whole store and came away with a list of prices covering 3 pages. Walked over to the other Carrefour and looked around……J saw a 6 piece suite she liked for 399 €…….tempted to buy it – but didn’t!!

Good progress on house on inspection……the gap is no longer there ….cemented up and kept in place by metal pillars while it dries out, with a soil waste pipe embedded in it. Also, the kitchen ceiling over the patio had a small square hole……the start of the patio , revealing the structure of the roof with concrete struts, so it will have to be removed carefully. They have obviously mucho trabaja today….Sergio in particular ………as the peach brandy had gone !!

Friday 27th October

Awoke to a pleasant cloudy day with occasional sunshine – about 16 C. We were summoned to the house about 10 am by Ricardo phoning the house, and went straight over. However, he wasn’t there , but Tommy had a question for us about the location of the kitchen sink drain, as it was slightly wrong.

We took the opportunity to show him the sketch plans of the kitchen and upstairs bathroom, which were helpful as he is the main hands-on builder ……” I like plans” he said, clearly accustomed to working without them.

We went up to the first floor to look at the proposed bathroom layout, now that the gap had been cemented up. J went out on the first floor for the first time, and quickly saw the design plan was too small once walls are built. She and Tommy came up with a solution making one wall slightly diagonal, and allowing 1-2 steps to be built to enable access to both the bathroom and veranda. We asked him to speak to the neighbours if the bathroom extended past their wall and potentially encroached on their light.

It started raining as we left, we got drenched walking back to car……the one time we did’nt have an umbrella. Stayed in all afternoon, as rain set in for the day.

The rain cleared late afternoon, and we decided to walk into town…. 50 minutes trek…and inspected the house. Not much new other than patio floor concreted, and house tidied…….a misunderstanding as we had offered to do this over the weekend !!

The kitchen is very dark now the gap is concreted, and the lighting plan will be important.

Walked home after a couple of wines and shopping for supper …..45 minutes downhill, watching a fantastic sunset ….360around us so difficult to capture a picture. Tripped over a cake left on the doorstep........someone's birthday ......? will find out tomorrow.
All in all, a good week , with a lot of progress. We have started to plan our trip home for Christmas.


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