Sunday, December 24, 2006

Istanbul via Luton Airport

Spent the first week back in Bristol to acclimatise ourselves and sort out J’s car. Before we knew it, it was Sunday and time to start our trip to Istanbul via Ilford and Luton. I had booked the flights thinking my sister W who lives in Ilford was quite close to Luton Airport, but she lives nearer Stanstead, and Luton is nearly 50 miles away. Nevertheless, we stuck to our plan, and drove to Ilford on Sunday afternoon, and spent a pleasant evening with W.

Had an early night and got up at 4 am to drive to Luton Airport for our 7.25 EasyJet flight to Istanbul. Although we left in good time, we only just made the flight, after having trouble finding the car park (my fault for not checking the directions, coach transfer delay, long check-in queues, very long security queues, and a long walk to the gate……total chaos ! The flight was then delayed an hour whilst the baggage of passengers who didn’t make the gate was removed… woud have been quicker to wait for them.

After an uneventful flight of nearly 4 hours, arrived in Istanbul, and got to our hotel located in the district of Sultanahamet via coach and taxi. Sultanahmet is the district standing right on top of the ancient Byzantine settlement. Lonely Planet describes this as “Old Istanbul”, which is a UNESCO–designated world heritage site, worthy of weeks of sightseeing in its own right.

After checking in, we went for a walk to explore , and found quickly found the Blue Mosque. Nothing prepares one for the sight of the spectacular dome and six minarets, and the loudspeakers calling the faithful to prayer 5 times each day, disturbing the pigeons each time. Click on the arrow to listen.


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