Saturday, February 03, 2007

Kitchen Quote

Tuesday 30th January

Ricardo arrived about 8 am and told us Timo was off sick. He spent an hour or so doing more electrics…now have front room light with 2 way switches and hall landing light, although this did’nt work yet as it needed a 3 way switch. J did some kitchen finishing off work, scraping off cement and painting tile borders. I painted the upstairs porch and bathroom vestibule area.

We finished about 12.30 and went for a bocadillo mixto lunch, and then walked to kitchen shop , to decide kitchen requirements and finishes – carcass units, sink, cupboards, drawers , worktops, handles etc…. …and came away with a quote of 507.48 €……not bad, as that included 2 x 3.6 metre worktops ,@ 60 € each, when we only needed 4.05 metres !!

Then back home to clear the front bedroom, put the bed in the small bedroom, clean away dust, and generally declutter.


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