Saturday, September 22, 2007

Changes to Town

Tuesday 18th September 2007

Got up about 8.30 and watched News and Weather…..again no sign of rain, although continued rain and thunderstorms in the North. Popped out to get some coffee and toothpaste before another round of cleaning and dust removal.

A few changes to the town since last here in April. They are building a little parc next to the new flats opposite Mercandona ….new full size palms and other trees. This is a feature of Spanish town and country planning…the creation of avenues of full size palms along most new roads, as if they have been there for years, and the creation of new parks with mature trees to give the impression they have been there for 50 years….never come across this in any other country.

Also, there are a series of new one way roads from the feria parc ground towards the old gypsy quarter….perhaps paving the way for a new complex of houses.

Before and after lunch, spent a few hours creating an accounts spreadsheet to monitor spending over here ….a savings plan in effect, and starting this blog again. Weather hot and sunny with the thermometer touching 30 in the shade, but keeping the house cool with doors and windows shut…will open up late evenings early mornings.

Went for a long walk mid afternoon in the heat both for exercise and to check out new roads near the feria ground. 3 new roads but difficult to visualise the final system, and whether there will be housing between them. Walked up through the town and to the garage, and then home about 5pm for a shower and meal before going to the locutorio to phone J. Nice long chat to update her , and then caught up on e mails.

I had picked up The Town Crier ….a local paper in English, which reported on heavy rain last Wednesday, when 16mm of rain had fallen over an 18 hour period, and that Malaga Province had declared a yellow alert. The drain had obviously coped with this as there had been no sign of flooding.

On to Bar Bramley for what I had hoped was the second half of the Rugby. I tried to ask the bar maid to change over to “le Rugby”, but drew a bewildered shrug and a look of pity……looked up the tv listings in a paper, but no sign of any televised rugby ! Settled down to watch the first half of Madrid playing Bremen ….very fast football. It was bizarre to see most customers smoking including staff behind the bar.


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