Saturday, September 22, 2007

Water Diviner

Thursday 20th September

Weather very cloudy and overcaste, but forecast indicates rain further down coast (Cadiz). Pottered around in morning, updating blog and downloading pics and videos from yesterday…some quite good ones.

Went down to the market about noon but no bargains in the fruit and veg department. Popped into second hand shop …Beverley not there this week but had a brief chat with Mavis. Had a walk round town and home for lunch of tuna and salad on the porch.

Spent the afternoon designing some spreadsheets to try and calculate the volumes of rain that could fall on the house in a worst case scenario, and how best to manage the flow to the small patio drain. This exercise included determining the area of the roof terrace and the other roofs and terrace/patio, timing 5 litres of rain going down the drain, and working out volumes of rain water produced by variable levels of precipitation in millimetres.

It soon became clear that based on my timings, the drain could easily cope with very high levels of rainfall (up to the highest month’s (November) rainfall in 5 hours which surprised me, and had obviously coped with the 16mm of rain last week. …….I wonder if I got those decimal points in the right place ?


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