Saturday, November 18, 2006

Punto Limpio

Tuesday 14th November

C got up early to watch the sunrise – red sky in morning shepherd’s warning, and saw a pair of peregrine falcons near the house. After breakfast, drove back via the camino rural road to the punto limpio, and took pics as I promised in one of the early posts. Punto limpio translates literally as “clean point”, and is solely for “clean” rubbish and recycling. The Spanish Ayuntamientos (town hall/councils) are obviously keen on recycling, and have several categories we would’nt have at home, such as cooking oil (aceite oil), aerosols, batteries used in all electronic devices, fluorescent light tubes, and X rays, which I find intriguing. There were quite a few in the bin, and I can only assume that patients keep their X rays at home, and when they are no longer required, they dispose of them at the punto limpio.

On to house to see Tommy and Sergio, who was cutting plaster for plugs and cables – very dusty work, so C went to buy some dust masks.The main job today seems to be the electrics, and it was lucky we had done the switch and lighting plan for Tommy. J phoned Ricardo as he needs more money …2500 €, making it 8000 € spent to date, with 1000 € in hand…..not bad for nearly 2 months work.

We went to the bank for the money, and then went for a coffee and bocadillo mixto (warm ham and cheese roll) which was delicious. We met Ricardo at the house for general chat on progress and queries – all in a jocular mood. He started forming the arch to the kitchen by knocking off plaster …. He must have known there was a large void above the door for some reason. Tommy wanted to form a window in the front wall, but J said no, as Alberto the architect had said the wall was too bad. Tommy still wanted to try ….”.if the house falls down, we build you a new one ……if it doesn’t fall down, you have a window….simple…!!.”.


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