Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rain & Flood Watch

Friday 21st September

Awoken by severe thunderstorms at about 2.00 am which continued until about 11.00 am. The rain started to get much heavier at 5.30 and decided to get up and check the drain and watch the lightening. The drain was coping fine, but at about 6.00, the rain became torrential and the drain did not seem to be coping and the patio started to fill. The deluge lasted about 20 minutes and water started seeming in the door into the kitchen, but managed to contain it with the mop. As the rain eased, the level started to recede, but not at my calculated rate… fact the water should never have have got that high….rain intensity was clearly a factor, although I didn’t know the rate of precipitation during the deluge…… Perhaps once the drain was full, the rate of flow reduced significantly ? …more spreadsheets required lol !!

The lightening was continuous and spectacular, lighting up the night sky like the aurora borealis, with surreal cloud effects. As day dawned, the rain continued to pelt down, with the drain coping well. I decided to try another drain test and poured 5 litres of water in to the patio. This filled the drain and the patio immediately started to fill…..the rate of flow had stopped completely. Sensing there may be an airlock, I got my trusty plunger out and plunged it over the drain, and hey presto, the water quickly drained away……perhaps my original calculations were correct ? I tried another 5 litres of water, and it drained in 20 seconds as per my original timings. Back to square one !!

Between 9-10 am, another thunder cell hovered overhead, depositing large amounts of rain and a continuous growl of thunder for the whole hour …I’ve never experienced anything like it. The drain coped fine. Eventually, it brightened up about 11 and the rain stopped at last.

Went for a walk after the rain , popped in Bank to update J’s bank book, and also enquire about bill from Ayuntamiento …some overdue tax I think.

After lunch, spent the afternoon updating blog and pictures ready to hopefully upload tomorrow in Fuengirola.


At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Chris just been surfing through your blog glad your coping with the thunderstorms just think Jackie will be there soon think you'll cope with her ?

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this supposed to be funny??!! Jackie


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